Deep clean under way!

Why not take part in our  KKB deep clean  “spring cleans ” as part of the Kilkenny City   National Spring Clean events! Our  aim is to  go deep into the  bushes and verges and concentrate in particular on the removal  of  plastics which are not biodegradable.

The statistics tells how bad it  can be on our County roads due to  our “disposable” society; 100 drink cans, 43 paper cups and 127 plastic bottles were  found in a recent Kilkenny Co Co survey on just 1km of country  roadside!  It  is interesting to note that no plastic bags were  listed.  The 15c tax on each plastic bag has been  a success.

Keep Kilkenny Beautiful did a plastic bag survey in Kilkenny City in 2000 and found over 200 discarded plastic bags  in just one section of 1/2km roads edge.

We need the political courage to finally arrange to put a returnable 25c deposit (or more) on drink cans and plastic bottles.

For “paper” cups ( which also contain plastic) why niot consider a 25c tax an encouragement to use  suddenly this “trash”  is actually  of value and the problem will  disappear like the plastic bag !

iur City ring road cycle and walk way, spring cleaned!

Kells road path and cycle way at entry to into our City