Kilkenny Mural Trail

What a fantastic range of high quality wall art  and murals that have been undertaken over the last number of years


The Closh  mural project as part of our “Truce with Nature” initiative  was supported by KKB, CKETB, and the Kilkenny Volunteer centre.  Graham Carew artist  designed the mural. Keep Kilkenny Beautiful collaborated   with the local community  to develop a new biodiversity garden and mural in the area. The mural depicts scenes from the rising, Civil War and more contemporary images. The launch took place as part of Heritage week 2024 in Kilkenny.


Launch party  taking place  in the local community centre

Mc Manus place lane way link to car park.  the mural was completed in cooperation with McManus place residents, Ossory Youth and Kilkenny CoCo.  We also  produced a 2 minute video to the work being undertaken and a commentary  click here 


Peoples Park Ball Alleys



Abbey street Pumphouse gable mural



St Canice’s neighbourhood centre




Kieran St.




Mary’s Lane  


Parliament street – Smithwick’s Experience




The Closh





Peace park

Auxiliary Hospital Wolfe Tone st



Ossory bridge

Wall art Kieran st

Sweeper trucks