Great Result for Kilkenny City in the IBAL litter league 2024

Congratulations to all  our Volunteers, voluntary groups and Kilkenny CoCo  following a great result for Kilkenny City in the IBAL litter league 2024.

We received Grade A for all the inspected sites. congratulations to Naas on receiving No.1  for 2024

An Taisce Report – IBAL Anti-Litter League, Survey 2, 2024
Kilkenny: Cleaner than European Norms. 2nd out of 40 towns / cities surveyed.

Kilkenny, a former IBAL winner, has been consistently high-ranking, and things were no different this time around. With so many top ranking sites, there are a few which deserve a special mention. Kilkenny Train Station (Exterior and Interior) is clearly a very well managed environment (all aspects were in very good condition, and it was excellent with regards to litter), Market Cross Shopping Centre and Parliament Street – the latter is a very attractively presented streetscape with some lovely features e.g. paving, seating, hanging baskets and some ‘olde’ style shop fronts.
Bring Centre, St. Canice’s Car Park: Grade A. There was a virtual absence of litter at this well presented and maintained facility. The bin units were flush with the walls to the rear, leaving little room for the ‘stuffing’ of items. Signage associated with the use of same was in good order.

Friar’s Bridge: Grade A. There was a complete absence of litter at this city centre residential environment – central garden area is a lovely feature. Railings and life-belt at river feature were in good condition.
R712 Approach Road / Castlecomer: Grade A. Overall impression cared along this route was a very good one, creating a very positive first impression of Kilkenny. Road surface, markings and signage were well presented and the autumnal trees lining the central median looked very well.
Kilkenny Train Station – Exterior: Grade A. Despite plenty of cars parked at the stage / travelling passengers, the exterior of Kilkenny Train Station was very much deserving of the top litter grade. It was excellent with regards to litter and overall presentation.
Kilkenny Train Station – Interior: Grade A. Seating, signage, litter bins were freshly presently within the station building. The station office and café were closed. There was a complete absence of litter throughout.
Parliament Street: Grade A. A long stretch of main shopping street which has been attractively laid out, with some lovely features e.g. wooden seating, hanging baskets, paving and some ‘olde’ style shop fronts. The whole street presents very well and was very much deserving of the top litter grade.
Derelict Premises beside Rothe House: Grade A. This site has been noted in previous surveys and while it wasn’t littered it presents poorly e.g. peeling paint / dangling wiring. The overall presentation is a far cry from its neighbour, Rothe House and the Court House across the road.
Market Cross Shopping Centre: Grade A. This, relatively new, shopping centre, was characterised by substantial planter boxes, wooden seating and attractive paving in the outdoor realm. All aspects were freshly presented – there were no visible litter issues throughout.
R700 Castle Approach Road: Grade A. The castle walls lined one side of this route into Kilkenny. There was one isolated area of litter on a long stretch of route. The remainder was immaculate.
N77 Durrow Approach Road: Grade A. Lush grass lined either side of this stretch of road. Grass verges were neatly cut. Very minor visible litter along this route.