Great Result for Kilkenny City in the IBAL litter league 2024

Congratulations to all  our Volunteers, voluntary groups and Kilkenny CoCo  following a great result for Kilkenny City in the IBAL litter league 2024.

We received Grade A for all the inspected sites. congratulations to Naas on receiving No.1  for 2024

An Taisce Report – IBAL Anti-Litter League, Survey 2, 2024
Kilkenny: Cleaner than European Norms. 2nd out of 40 towns / cities surveyed.

Kilkenny, a former IBAL winner, has been consistently high-ranking, and things were no different this time around. With so many top ranking sites, there are a few which deserve a special mention. Kilkenny Train Station (Exterior and Interior) is clearly a very well managed environment (all aspects were in very good condition, and it was excellent with regards to litter), Market Cross Shopping Centre and Parliament Street – the latter is a very attractively presented streetscape with some lovely features e.g. paving, seating, hanging baskets and some ‘olde’ style shop fronts.
Bring Centre, St. Canice’s Car Park: Grade A. There was a virtual absence of litter at this well presented and maintained facility. The bin units were flush with the walls to the rear, leaving little room for the ‘stuffing’ of items. Signage associated with the use of same was in good order.

Friar’s Bridge: Grade A. There was a complete absence of litter at this city centre residential environment – central garden area is a lovely feature. Railings and life-belt at river feature were in good condition.
R712 Approach Road / Castlecomer: Grade A. Overall impression cared along this route was a very good one, creating a very positive first impression of Kilkenny. Road surface, markings and signage were well presented and the autumnal trees lining the central median looked very well.
Kilkenny Train Station – Exterior: Grade A. Despite plenty of cars parked at the stage / travelling passengers, the exterior of Kilkenny Train Station was very much deserving of the top litter grade. It was excellent with regards to litter and overall presentation.
Kilkenny Train Station – Interior: Grade A. Seating, signage, litter bins were freshly presently within the station building. The station office and café were closed. There was a complete absence of litter throughout.
Parliament Street: Grade A. A long stretch of main shopping street which has been attractively laid out, with some lovely features e.g. wooden seating, hanging baskets, paving and some ‘olde’ style shop fronts. The whole street presents very well and was very much deserving of the top litter grade.
Derelict Premises beside Rothe House: Grade A. This site has been noted in previous surveys and while it wasn’t littered it presents poorly e.g. peeling paint / dangling wiring. The overall presentation is a far cry from its neighbour, Rothe House and the Court House across the road.
Market Cross Shopping Centre: Grade A. This, relatively new, shopping centre, was characterised by substantial planter boxes, wooden seating and attractive paving in the outdoor realm. All aspects were freshly presented – there were no visible litter issues throughout.
R700 Castle Approach Road: Grade A. The castle walls lined one side of this route into Kilkenny. There was one isolated area of litter on a long stretch of route. The remainder was immaculate.
N77 Durrow Approach Road: Grade A. Lush grass lined either side of this stretch of road. Grass verges were neatly cut. Very minor visible litter along this route.

KKB Earth Day 2023 Celebration

All are welcome to come along and support Keep Kilkenny Beautiful’s celebration of Earth Day! McDonnagh Junction, Kilkenny 

There will be a range of  interesting presentations, the launch of the Kilkenny Climate Hero’s Challenge, entertainment for kids, colouring, Mr Picker Pal (ask the young people, they know who he is) and free giveaways of books, bulbs and keep cups.

Young ecologists who impress might be lucky enough to get a converted magnifying glass for hunting mini beasts! All welcome to come and celebrate.



Speakers schedule for Earth Day
12:00    TD Malcom Noonan:-  launch of Kilkenny Climate Hero Challenge
12:10    Nicky Brennan:- Kilkenny Age Friendly Tips from the older generation
12:20    Cllr David FitzGerald Mayor of Kilkenny City:-                                                      The Path to being first Carbon Neutral City
12:30    Break
12:40    Patrick Jackson – Picker Pals
12:50    Paddy Phelan South East Energy Agency Grants & Supports Economy
13:00    John Carley South East Energy Agency Circular
13:10  Liam O’Brien Bagenalstown SEC Journey to Energy Master Plan
13:20    Seamus Nugent Kilkenny Sport Partnership Environment & Mental Health
13:30    Fergus Horgan KLP Food Waste to Compost
13:40    Break
13:50    Pat Boyd Keep Kilkenny Beautiful Special Project Officer –  Bio Bliz
14:00   Catriona Corr Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan
14:10    Marina DeCosta Sustainable Energy Communities SEC
14:20    Break
14:30    Maria Dollard Chairperson Keep Kilkenny Beautiful – Tidy Towns and SEC’s – complementary synergy towards SDG’s
14:40   Break
14:50    Mijke Jansen Barrow Valley Hub SEC Solar Panel EV Charger KLP LEADER Project
15:00    Breda Maher KCC Climate Action F

KKB & St Patrick’s Parade 2023

What a wonderful day for Kilkenny. What  a great parade!

Fantastic day. Despite the weather there was so much good spirits and camaraderie. So many kids along the route saying to their parents they had Picker Pals in their school.

A thank you to Picker Pals working  to raise awareness of Keep Kilkenny Beautiful  .

Thank you so much the to fantastic volunteers and their children that made the effort to come out in the bad weather and showed how tough we are and how determined to Keep Kilkenny Beautiful


you are all amazing



IBAL – Kilkenny City Joint 2nd in 2022

A fantastic result for Kilkenny City in  2022.  This is    a reflection  on the tremendous work undertaken by  our volunteers, our community, our businesses  and  Kilkenny CoCo.  Congratulations also to Naas who took the  No. 1 position in 2022.

An Taisce Report – IBAL Anti-Litter League, Survey 2, 2022
Kilkenny: Joint 2nd out of 40 towns / cities surveyed. Cleaner than European Norms.
Kilkenny is no stranger to high placement in IBAL litter league and this time around it has scored particularly well with nine out of the ten sites surveyed getting the top litter grade. Examples included the approach roads, Kilkenny Train Station (Exterior and Interior), the Main Street / Parliament Street and Market Cross Shopping Centre – there was lovely paving at the latter. The only blemish was the Recycle Bank at St. Canice’s, which was moderately littered.
N10 Approach Road: Grade A. Road surface / markings / signage were in very good order and the overall impression was of a very well presented and maintained route with no litter issues of note.
Kilkenny Train Station – Exterior: Grade A. The overall impression here as a very positive one with paving to the front of the station creating a very fresh impression. There was minimal litter, just some loose food related items and cigarette butts in the shrubs of the bushes in the garden patch and at the base of the litter bins.
Kilkenny Train Station – Interior: Grade A. A sparkling interior with spotless floor tiles, seating, litter bins and visitor information notices in very good order.
River Bank: Grade A. A lovely riverside environment which was very well presented and maintained. The pedestrian bridge was spotless. There was a virtual absence of litter along the grassy banks and associated pathways.
Derelict building by Evans Lane: Grade A. Clearly a careful eye is kept on the tall building as there was no litter directly associated with it.
Recycle Bank, St. Canice’s: Grade B. The recycle units and signage associated with the use of same were freshly presented and in good order. It wasn’t just loose litter, but items had been very deliberately discarded by the units.
Market Cross Shopping Centre: Grade A. The paving of this outdoor shopping environment was particularly attractive and creates a great impression. It was a very freshly presented and clean environment.
Main Street / Parliament Street: Grade A. This was characterised by lovely paving, planter boxes, wooden seating, stainless steel bicycle parking and some attractively presented shop-fronts. There was a virtual absence of litter throughout.
696 Freshford Approach Road: Grade A. All aspects of the area surveyed were in good order – there was no visible litter throughout.
R712 Approach Road: Grade A. (by Leggetsrath Bus. Park) A wide stretch of road with lovely tree planting along both sides. It was excellent with regard to litter, creating a very positive first impression of Kilkenny – this very high standard was sustained for all the remaining sites surveyed

New Years Resolution – KKB

How about making a New Years resolution  to Keep Kilkenny Beautiful and get involved with our Community  in Kilkenny

Why not meet and join with our volunteers  this Saturday 7th Jan at 10 am at  the Kilkenny retail Park Loughboy carpark in front of Woodies. Coordinates ( 52.635366, -7.244313 ).  Take part on  our first clean up for the new year.  Tea/Coffee and chat follows at 12.00 noon.

We look forward to seeing you, we also have a lot of other activities taking place,  please also keep up to date  by reviewing  our  facebook page or email us at  . Why not join our KKB news whats app page.

Let’s Team Up to Clean Up, Together for Kilkenny

Let’s Team Up to Clean Up, Together for Kilkenny.

The first event will take place in Kilkenny City on the 9th of October 2022

KKB Chairman Pat Boyd launches the Team Up initiative with Mayor David Fitzgerald

KKB supports this Kilkenny Co Co initiative here in our City.   We encourage  all who are able to  register   and Team Up to Clean Up    with Keep Kilkenny Beautiful.

KKB  arrange regular clean ups and other environmental projects, all are welcome to take part.  to contact us or  catch us on facebook, alternatively  call or text us, see our website contact page. Click here for our contact page 

you can also register your own residents group  or association at

We look forward to hearing from you!

KKB Chairman Pat Boyd launches the Team Up initiative with Mayor David Fitzgerald

Kilkenny Cleaner than European Norms in IBAL 2022

Great news for Kilkenny city  and all who are  working to keep Kilkenny beautiful.  Kilkenny has again achieved Cleaner than European Norms in IBAL 2022 round 1.    (Irish Business against Litter).  See our  adjudicators report under.

Congratulations to Naas who have achieved  No. 1 in the current Judging.


Kilkenny: 8th out of 40 towns / cities surveyed. Cleaner than European Norms.
Kilkenny is consistently high-ranking and this takes a lot of work on the part of many within the community. All approach roads got the top litter grade, creating a positive first
impression. This high standard was maintained for many of the remaining sites surveyed, including the Train Station (Exterior and Interior), the Riverside Walk and Parliament Street – the latter scored well, despite plenty of activity within.

N712 Paulstown Approach Road: Grade A. This route presented very well, creating a positive first impression of Kilkenny with cycle paths, roadway and adjoining grasslands clear of litter. Kilkenny Train Station – Exterior: Grade A. A very welcoming environment with colourful planting and a virtual absence of litter throughout. The area could be further improved if cigarette butts weren’t allowed to gather at the base of the planted areas.
Kilkenny Train Station – Interior: Grade A. All aspects of the interior of the station were in pristinecondition e.g., seating, signage, litter bins, visitor information notices etc. There was a virtual absence of litter throughout.

Riverside Walk: Grade A. A wonderful riverside environment which is very well presented and maintained. Planted areas were in good order and the overall impression created was a very positive one.
Derelict buildings at ‘The Ring’ beside Rothe House: Grade A. There was a notable
improvement in the overall presentation and litter situation at one of these buildings. A new coat of paint has made a big difference here. This time around, there was minimal litter to be seen.

Recycle Facility at St. Canice’s; Grade B. Casually discarded litter / items associated with recycling took away from an otherwise freshly presented ‘Bring Facility’. This could easily be top ranking with a little extra care and attention.
Friary Bridge, by City Walls: Grade B. The most obvious litter items were sweet papers and plastic bags with lower levels of fast-food wrappers and cigarette butts.

Parliament Street: Grade A. This busy shopping street has scored very well with regard to litter. it is well served by litter bins and the overall presentation was a very good one.

Bennetsbridge Approach Road: Grade A. There was a complete absence of litter along the stretch of road surveyed. Grass boundaries had been carefully mown. It was an excellent site,overall.

Durrow Approach Road: Grade A. As with the other approach roads into Kilkenny, this was verymuch deserving of the top litter grade. It was well presented and immaculate throughout.


St Patrick’s Historic graveyard gets clean up

Thanks to all the volunteers who came out  to clean up st Patrick’s historic graveyard. the works included trimming back bushes  and weeding the gravel path that meanders through the graveyard.  the NIAH notes  “A picturesque graveyard containing a collection of markers of artistic design significance exhibiting high quality stone masonry. A number of markers dating to the late seventeenth century represent an important element of the archaeological heritage of Kilkenny while serving as a reminder of the mass house, later a Catholic chapel that existed on site until the late eighteenth century”

For  further information on the many historic grave stones within the grave yard see link- click here Kilkenny Archaeological society