Kilkenny Countryside Park is open for visitors

Kilkenny Countryside Park is open for visitors. The former Kilkenny dump has been rehabilitated as the new country Park and is open to visitors. From the city centre cycle access can be via Bleach road, there is also parking available off the bleach road, adjacent to the park entrance at Castlecomer road or alternatively parking at Dunmore church and access the park via the historic mass path.A recycle centre is located adjacent all recycle items can be returned and segregated.

New planting is ongoing and attractive seating and activity centres for both young and old and our doggy friends are provided.There is even a hurling wall protecting the great hurling tradition of Kilkenny.

Hurling wall with two sides

There area also sustainable toilet facilities. the park closes each evening the time varies depending on the time of year. there is extensive new planting.

Happy Christmas 2023 to all – and Keep Kilkenny Beautiful

What an exciting year we had  in  Kilkenny City and  for  our Keep Kilkenny Beautiful team and all our volunteers and supporters.

We hope you enjoyed keeping up with all our activities  in 2023 on our  website and also on  our facebook and whats app pages. Why not contact us  in the new year and join us  in our  work to create  a  sustainable Kilkenny  city in 2024 and beyond!

Best wishes to all for Christmas 2023 and the new year of 2024!



Santa welcomed to Yule fest in Kilkenny by KKB

Santa arrived  at Canal square by boat from  the river Nore on the 25th November  to  great excitement. KKB were on hand  to  provide a cycle escort for Santa on his short trip to  the Parade where the Kilkenny Yulefest  Christmas  fair has commenced.

Mayors walk full of activity

Maria, KKB chairperson awaits  Santa as part of the  cycle escort


KKB Submission to the 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan

we set out under KKB Submission to the 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan:-


4th National Biodiversity Action Plan

Response to Draft for Public Consultation. Thank you for the opportunity to consult on the above matter. We would be grateful if the following points could be considered for future drafts.


Whole of government and whole of society approach

·         Effective communication and buy-in are critical to delivering the national biodiversity strategy. Increasingly, sectors like agriculture, industry and conservation are becoming more siloed and oppositional as policy and financial pressures increase and mutual understanding decreases. In order to deliver a truly ‘whole of government and whole of society approach’ all sectors of government, business and society need to be included in the delivery of the biodiversity strategy. Effective solutions to biodiversity issues can often emerge from within a community, sector or industry when engagement is meaningful and non-confrontational.


·         There is potential to introduce pilot projects that bring different communities and sectors together to deliver tangible on-the-ground solutions to specific issues in areas such as agriculture, energy and community development in a collaborative way. These pilot projects could be used to promote, not just the solution, but the collaborative process that delivered change and models conflict resolution strategies.


Biodiversity Net Gain


·         The Plan should set out objectives that enable each sector to achieve Biodiversity Net Gain on new plans and projects. Mandatory BNG has recently been introduced in England and Wales and adopted voluntarily in other areas and sectors. Good quality baseline information is critical to delivering and monitoring BNG along with adequate resources within the consenting authority to review applications and long-term delivery.


·          Planning and Development requiring planning permission should be linked to the achievement of good ecological status in associated water courses prior to planning approval and after completion of projects



·         Community empowerment is one of the most effective means of delivering change and is necessary for societal buy-in. Bottom-up initiatives like the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan have proven successful in harnessing community energy by undertaking  clear evidence-based, targeted actions on a very specific topic. Similar initiatives could be developed through organisations on the ground once they are adequately resourced to develop targeted strategies. This can can help avoid stagnation in the delivery of top-down policy.


Education and research

·         It is estimated that there is as much biodiversity below ground as above ground, but soil ecology and biodiversity is often completely overlooked, outside agricultural fertility parameters. Healthy soils are critical to food production, carbon sequestration, medical treatments and a range of other services that are beginning to be recognised. This is a growing area of research in light of both the biodiversity and climate crises and would benefit from acknowledgement and support within the NBAP.


·         Further emphases should be given to delivering sustainable education programmes at Junior, TY and Senior cycles to introduce ecological literacy and ensure that children and young adults have a good understanding of biodiversity issues and actions needed to protect it. Increasingly, more of us are living in urban settings and have lost connections to nature and our basic understanding of food production and other ecosystem services. There is potential to develop projects that link schools with the farming community or other individuals and groups that work with nature. While many programmes, such as Green Schools, have achieved excellent results, there is still significant potential to bring nature and sustainability into schools and the curriculum as a whole.

Resourcing and waste management

·         Food production and food waste are critical issue for biodiversity both globally and nationally. Globally we waste one-third of all food produced annually. This equates to approximately 16% of habitable land on the planet. In Ireland, we waste approximately 1 million tonnes of food per annum. By changing this one issue, we could divert the wasted land resources to biodiversity use and reduce GHG emissions from production and decomposition. The Plan clearly acknowledges the devastation impacts climate change will have on biodiversity and the irreversible effects on ecosystems. Targeted programmes to engage communities on the ground to tackle specific issues around food production and waste could be considered for support within the Plan.


·         An engaged society, targeted actions and adequate resources are needed to deliver an effective strategy. Funding along with people’s time and energy are all limited resources and should be spent wisely. Ineffective and wasteful spending should be identified within Departments and programmes and re-routed to bodies and programmes that can deliver. Examples of this occur in agricultural schemes where participants are financially incentivised to take actions that have no demonstrated benefits, or in some instances, they have negative effects on biodiversity. These schemes are sometimes developed without the appropriate input from relevant experts and groups that could guide a meaningful programme. In other instances, it can occur where new actions or programmes are trialled but proved ineffective, but continue to be implemented by Departments.


Lessons learned

·         Globally and nationally, we have failed to deliver on successive plans and actions to protect biodiversity. Our food, energy and consumption models are broken and need transformative change. Learning is an iterative process and mistakes are part of that process. It’s important that we build in effective review processes, learning from previous successes and failures and change course as required.



Fantastic Result for Kilkenny City Tidy towns 2023

Congratulations to all our volunteers, community groups, businesses and Kilkenny county council on  the receipt of a fantastic result for Kilkenny city in the 2023 national tidy towns competition .

Kilkenny is the  2023 recipient of the County award, a gold medal and the South East regional award.

To see the detailed  adjudicators  report  2023 with  link on separate page to  tidy towns site press link Kilkenny City report 2023

Kilkenny received 274 point a rise of 12 points on our 2022 results. Congratulations to Ballincollig  who pipped Kilkenny by one point to win the national tidiest large urban centre 2023 and to Abbeyleix  the 2023 overall winner 2023,

A great cheer from  some of our 20k pollinator  planting challenge  &  environs saturday clean up   work groups!