Tourism is so important to Kilkenny, please help tourists to see that our beautiful city surroundings are matched by our amazing citizens.
Why not sign up for a FREE 3 hour certificate course run by Failte Ireland to become a Kilkenny Welcome Ambassador. contact Maura Hickey on 7794057 or for more details
Great news for the Kilkenny tourist sector today. Smithwick’s has announced a €3 million investment in a new, state of the art visitor experience at the Smithwick’s St. Francis Abbey Brewery.
Over the next nine months, the Victorian brewing building will be transformed into a state of the art interactive visitor centre that will allow you:
– Immerse in Ireland’s oldest beer brand using a sensory, tactile visitor experience.
– Teach you about the craft of brewing, the future and ultimately, taste the pint!
– Learn about the medieval origins of brewing on the site to the arrival of the amazing John Smithwick. Discover the Kilkenny-Smithwicks connections through the years with interactive installations bringing the story right up to date.
Another reason to put Kilkenny on your go to list!
Tag Archives: brewery
River Bregagh Biodiversity scheme Launched
The aim of the 5 year project is to identify, quantify and improve the Bregagh river, the valley, it’s habitat and environs.
The Bregagh river is a tributary of the river Nore which rises to the south west of Kilkenny city. The river meanders through the greater southern and western environs of Kilkenny City until it reaches the Waterbarrracks which includes the holy “Kenny’s Well”, and local amenity soccer pitches. It then flows on in through the City centre from the “Black Cat” through Irish town.
The Bregagh is the ancient boundary between the two historic sections of the City: Hightown (English town) and Irishtown. Part of the City walls follow the route of the river as it flows past the ancient Black Abbey towards the point where it joins the mighty river Nore at St Francis Abbey Brewery (Smithwicks/ Diageo).
The Bregagh is an integral part of our city’s history and it has brought wild life and nature in to the urban space for centuries. The river was a renowned trout hatchery but fish stocks were decimated by fish kills in the late 1970’s and 1980’s. Work by anglers organisations, the Fisheries Board, City Authorities and KKB member and Kilkenny Angler, Elaine Bradshaw has seen fish stocks reintroduced on a limited scale in recent years with some success. Following initial survey work and river cleaning in 2009 the KKB has launched the main project. The steering group which is chaired by KKB member David Fitzgerald includes the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Kilkenny City Authorities, Fisheries organisations and Kilkenny angler associations.