KKB reusable coffee cups in Kilkenny

KKB are working with many cafes through out Kilkenny city to reduce the amount of waste from single-use cups. Congratulations to the many cafes who have already agreed to provide reusable cups and also who give a discount to customers who present a reusable cup.

When you’re in a cafe to get a takeaway coffee why not ask for a reusable cup and a discount. This also helps to reduce waste!

What’s more, the coffee tastes a lot better!

Many Kilkenny  cafes are now providing an alternative to the one use cup.

KKB reusable cup in use…. enjoy!

“Stop Food Waste Challenge” volunteers wanted!

Why not  take part in  the Kilkenny “Stop Food Waste Challenge”.  The aim is  to reduce your food waste, save money, have some fun and enjoy tasty meals on the way!

If you are interested in being part of the challenge, ring Bernadette Moloney, Environmental Awareness Officer on 056-7794487 or email your contact details to  mail@keepkilkennybeautiful.com  or bernadette.moloney@kilkennycoco.ie before the 18th of September 2014.

food waste


Composting in Kilkenny!

Composting and gardening wildlife workshop for all ages  is to take place on  Saturday the 27th November  11am-1pm at the City Library.

Come along and explore the world of composting.  Learn about the different compost systems available to you and choose the system that best suits your needs.  The workshop will introduce in detail compost bins, leaf mould and wormeries.  For younger composters make your own ‘compost in a bottle’ to take home and watch your organic waste change into a compost for planting your flowers and vegetables.

To encourage wildlife into your garden take home our top ten tips including log piles, nesting boxes and wildlife friendly plants.  A sample of live freshwater invertebrates will help you to learn the benefits of garden ponds while our singing garden birds will help you identify your garden birds.

This event is organised in partnership between Kilkenny County Council and Keep Kilkenny Beautiful for EU Waste Reduction Week. we look forward to seeing you there!

Composting Kilkenny City