Plant for the Planet and treeplanting week

KKB and Dukesmeadows residents  participated in a UN-backed global initiative which is being spearheaded in Ireland by the charity Crann, Trees for Ireland through their easy treesie project. With support from Kilkenny County Council, children are assisted in planting native and naturalised trees in their local area. Kilkenny City  was selected for a ceremonial tree planting in advance of Earth Day next Monday . This project will assist in providing a shelter belt and wildlife corridor, capture carbon and of course beautify our area.The fruit trees are also very important for our wildlife and pollinators.

Fruit tree planting at Dukesmeadows

Many children around the country have already had a chance to join in this environmental learning opportunity, planting over 14,000 trees in their local parks, community gardens, roadside verges and hospitals as part of the challenge for Ireland’s children to plant a million trees by 2023.

The trees have been specially selected by the team of specialists in easy treesie – Crann. Joining in this activity ties in with many curriculum objectives at local schools and will assist in their winning the International Green Flags.

There was a presentation at Dukesmeadows during the planting on the subject of trees and their importance for our city  by Orla Farrell of Crann . A great planting was has by all.  Our  children will have the opportunity to benefit from the fruit of their labours for many years to come.

KKB have been working with many groups throughout Kilkenny over the last number of years to plant  hundreds of fruit trees and bushes  suitable for their location.A number of community orchards have already been established and additional orchards are being planned. This action  continue over the next number of years. Residents associations and voluntary groups who would like to participate in this action are more than welcome to contact KKB for the next planting season.

Kilkenny City – Planting Oak Trees during National Tree Week

Tree planting at the County Hall

Tree planting at the County Hall                                                                                                      Keep Kilkenny Beautiful recently celebrated in cooperation with Kilkenny county council  Irish National tree week with the planting of seven trees within the grounds of Kilkenny County Hall. The seven oak trees were a gift from the National Tidy Towns to Kilkenny City as multiple overall national towns winner and symbolise the seven signatories to the 1916 proclamation. The trees are located along a very popular walking route which leads from Kilkenny city centre along the River Nore East riverbank to Ossory bridge. The oak trees will add to the biodiversity of the area and create as they grow a wonderful habitat for many species of plants and insects and will also give cover for wildlife.





tree planting 2
tree planting 3-
sign 2

Medieval Week in Kilkenny, St. Mary’s Church Conservation

There was a large gathering to review progress on the conservation work being undertaken at St Mary’s Church Graveyard. The Open Day  was organised to give an opportunity to meet with the stonemasons, conservation specialists and archaeologists working on the project.

There will be a seminar on the overall conservation and restoration project at St Mary’s on the 13th April.  For further information  click here for link.


  Presentation on stone work by Paul Tallis Building Contractor

Presentation on stone work by Paul Tallis Building Contractor

Some of the Large attendance at the event.

Some of the Large attendance at the event.

City poster. This shows  historic stone work  within St Mary's.

City poster.  This shows historic stone work within St Mary’s.

One of our City Welcome  Ambassadors  assisting with access to a historic crypt.

One of our City Welcome Ambassadors assisting with access to a historic crypt.



National Bike week and Trail Kilkenny

On Saturday 23rd June a large number of events with the theme  “fun and active family day” which included  walking and cycling  took place centered on the Parade in the City. A Family cycle commenced from the Parade to tour the City using the extensive network of cycle lanes. there was also a guided walking tour of the new river Nore board walk. Bicycle checks were undertaken and displays of bicycles, electric bicycles and electric cars were also on the Parade.

Trail Kilkenny stand on the Parade. There are maps available of the various attractive walks in the City and county . Copyright: Keep Kilkenny Beautiful

Preparing bicycle for cycle at stand on the Parade. Copyright: Keep Kilkenny Beautiful