A lot can happen with social distancing restrictions and a 5km limit. In the last few days the grass has started to grow the tree and fruit buds are getting greener and the birds are getting more vocal. The last of the tree slips are getting planted and the community orchards and fruit planting is ongoing. The Acorn project is going ahead full steam with the Kilkenny Forrest School. Why not join in and help with Keep Kilkenny Beautiful.
Tag Archives: planting
St Brigid’s Day planting challange
To all in Kilkenny city and Environs!
Buy and plant 4 locally grown Sessile Oak trees for just 10Euro…. while stocks last…
Each bundle of 4 oak trees are in recycled containers and ready for planting! why not make a lasting impact on our environment and improve our habitats for wildlife
Please email mail@keepkilkennybeautiful.com or contact us on Keep Kilkenny Beautiful facebook to register your interest
KKB out and about
Plant for the Planet and treeplanting week
KKB and Dukesmeadows residents participated in a UN-backed global initiative which is being spearheaded in Ireland by the charity Crann, Trees for Ireland through their easy treesie project. With support from Kilkenny County Council, children are assisted in planting native and naturalised trees in their local area. Kilkenny City was selected for a ceremonial tree planting in advance of Earth Day next Monday . This project will assist in providing a shelter belt and wildlife corridor, capture carbon and of course beautify our area.The fruit trees are also very important for our wildlife and pollinators.
Many children around the country have already had a chance to join in this environmental learning opportunity, planting over 14,000 trees in their local parks, community gardens, roadside verges and hospitals as part of the challenge for Ireland’s children to plant a million trees by 2023.
The trees have been specially selected by the team of specialists in easy treesie – Crann. Joining in this activity ties in with many curriculum objectives at local schools and will assist in their winning the International Green Flags.
There was a presentation at Dukesmeadows during the planting on the subject of trees and their importance for our city by Orla Farrell of Crann . A great planting was has by all. Our children will have the opportunity to benefit from the fruit of their labours for many years to come.
KKB have been working with many groups throughout Kilkenny over the last number of years to plant hundreds of fruit trees and bushes suitable for their location.A number of community orchards have already been established and additional orchards are being planned. This action continue over the next number of years. Residents associations and voluntary groups who would like to participate in this action are more than welcome to contact KKB for the next planting season.
Kilkenny Orchards get a summer brush up
Many thanks to the many Statestreet Bank Volunteers who have given our Waterford rd community orchard a summer brush up.
Keeping Kilkenny Beautiful does not happen by itself. Our City is beautiful because of the voluntary effort of many through out the year. This community orchard is also has an attractive seating area.
The fruit trees are vert suited to pollinators earlier in the year and the fruit in August /September is delicious to enjoy.
Take another look at our city ring road
The City Ring road extends to some 7 Km from Castlecomer rd. to the callan rd. with extensive attractive planting and some 10 roundabouts all with individual plantingdesigns.
The attractive for the 6 spot Burnet moth Zygaena filipendulae Click here for short video of moth
Tree planting completed at Lacken walk
Congratulations to all who attended the tree planting near the board walk at Lacken, walk. many hundreds of trees have been planted including many native Irish species. the weather was damp but this made for good planting conditions with the ground soft and receptive to bare root tree slips. In particular we thank Dan of Tree Services Ireland who coordinated the event and whose aim is to plant two trees for every one tree removed!
Tree planting at Ossory bridge
Winter bedding and colour
The colder winter days brings new work for our many residents associations with the cleaning of planted areas. Beds where possible have a variety of sustainable plants that give colour all year round. These need to be weeded, the plants trimmed back, or in many cases divided and replanted elsewhere. Some winter colour is add with primroses and violas. The robin, a gardeners friend in the winter stands by, ready to pick up any tasty morsels which remain after the work.
Bulb planting season in full swing

Bulb planting in the autumn, we look forward to spring colour! This forms part of our annual planting each year giving colour on an ongoing basis. Areas with many bulbs are also thinned out directly after flowering, dried out and stored and the bulbs are then recycled into new areas in the Autumn.