Plant for the Planet and treeplanting week

KKB and Dukesmeadows residents  participated in a UN-backed global initiative which is being spearheaded in Ireland by the charity Crann, Trees for Ireland through their easy treesie project. With support from Kilkenny County Council, children are assisted in planting native and naturalised trees in their local area. Kilkenny City  was selected for a ceremonial tree planting in advance of Earth Day next Monday . This project will assist in providing a shelter belt and wildlife corridor, capture carbon and of course beautify our area.The fruit trees are also very important for our wildlife and pollinators.

Fruit tree planting at Dukesmeadows

Many children around the country have already had a chance to join in this environmental learning opportunity, planting over 14,000 trees in their local parks, community gardens, roadside verges and hospitals as part of the challenge for Ireland’s children to plant a million trees by 2023.

The trees have been specially selected by the team of specialists in easy treesie – Crann. Joining in this activity ties in with many curriculum objectives at local schools and will assist in their winning the International Green Flags.

There was a presentation at Dukesmeadows during the planting on the subject of trees and their importance for our city  by Orla Farrell of Crann . A great planting was has by all.  Our  children will have the opportunity to benefit from the fruit of their labours for many years to come.

KKB have been working with many groups throughout Kilkenny over the last number of years to plant  hundreds of fruit trees and bushes  suitable for their location.A number of community orchards have already been established and additional orchards are being planned. This action  continue over the next number of years. Residents associations and voluntary groups who would like to participate in this action are more than welcome to contact KKB for the next planting season.

River Nore Balsam removal commences 2019

A substantial start took place with the removal of a large area of balsam from the river Nore bank  to the south east of Ossory bridge. This project forms part of a multi year programme to reduce and eliminate  balsam from the upper stretches of the River Nore in the Kilkenny  City area. This initial balsam day was supported by  a large group of environmentalists  currently in Kilkenny under  the  Youth and Environment  Europe  (YEE)  network. Thank your for all of the hard work.

Careful removal of very small balsam plants in April


The environment needs protection.

The environment needs protection.

For the past week, a group of 27 young environmentalists from 15 different European countries – have gathered in Kilkenny to learn about grassroots movements.

The network Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) organized a seminar ‘know your grassroots’, which brought them  together.

Today the group  joins Keep Kilkenny Beautiful, you could too!



Owl boxes completed

The Kilkenny mens shed have completed the construction of 3 new barn owl boxes.  They were designed in line with Biredwatch Ireland guidance and are being erected in  wooded areas  in the City environs. The project is being lead by the KKB biodiversity group.

Pat Durkin of Birdwatch Ireland (right) explaining the operation of the barn owl boxes to Simon Walton City engineer Kilkenny Co Co at the launch of the project.

Zoe Devlin presents “Wildflowers of Ireland- a personal Record”

A large crowd attended a very interesting presentation by Zoe Devlin titled ” Wildflowers of Ireland  – a personal record”  which recently took place in Kilkenny. The event was coordinated by Bird watch Ireland Kilkenny branch. Zoe reviewed Ireland’s rare flowers and also some of  the not so rare flowers including flowers growing in  Kilkenny. Invasive species were also reviewed.

The importance of pollinator species was discussed. The event ties in to the theme of improving habitat for our bees in Kilkenny. The importance of many plants to specific insects and  having adequate food for birds  was noted.

Talk of the town # 2

“Talk of the town #2  –  a vibrant vision; a green and inclusive Kilkenny 2030”

A very informative talk  and debate in relation the environment,  the way forward  in Kilkenny and our future took place recently in the Pembroke hotel. The evening was coordinated by Malcolm Noonan, chaired by Eamon Ryan TD and   with guest speakers Senator Grace O’Sullivan and Etaoin Holahan  who provide  inspiration in relation to the  importance of  everyone working together to improve our environment for our families and our children.

The well attended event was really enjoyable.  Current environment issues were debated in relation to our city and county and  potential  ways forward we reviewed. We went away invigorated and with additional energy in relation to our aim of Keeping Kilkenny Beautiful into the future.

River Breagagh /Circular road Clean up

 Breagagh  clean up  in conjunction with Roberts hill residents association    ( 16th February ) meet 10am entrance to Roberts Hill estate off Circular road, Tea ~Coffee after! bring your wellies. All are welcome.  Email us at  or ring  086-1075532 to get details of our environmental  actions and clean  ups.

River Breagagh clean up

KKB reusable coffee cups in Kilkenny

KKB are working with many cafes through out Kilkenny city to reduce the amount of waste from single-use cups. Congratulations to the many cafes who have already agreed to provide reusable cups and also who give a discount to customers who present a reusable cup.

When you’re in a cafe to get a takeaway coffee why not ask for a reusable cup and a discount. This also helps to reduce waste!

What’s more, the coffee tastes a lot better!

Many Kilkenny  cafes are now providing an alternative to the one use cup.

KKB reusable cup in use…. enjoy!

Poop off our pavements!

Congratulations to all who took part in  our poop off our pavements promotional   on the Canal Walk and at McDonagh Junction shopping centre.  KKB had a great time meeting all of the dog owners and their wonderful dogs. It is great to see that all  want a wonderful environment to walk in Kilkenny City  with  their dogs and  that they support the scooping of poop to Keep Kilkenny Beautiful.

A handy poop bag holder was also distributed as were poop off our pavement stickers and sustainable poop bags.

A number of talking lampposts have also appeared along the main walks through out Kilkenny  to  reminding all regarding the need to scoop the poop and Keep Kilkenny Beautiful for all.

Nore Dragon Paddlers Collecting Litter and international Awards!

Nore Dragon Paddlers overall European Environmental Award

On the 16th of October, the Nore Dragon Paddlers were awarded a “Hero’s in the Community Award” from Keep Kilkenny Beautiful for their  continuous environmental contribution on the river Nore along with the Kilkenny Aqua Canoe Club, KACC.

This involved regular litter picks on the river whilst out on the water . As a result of this great achievement, the president of the Irish Dragon Boat Association, Julie Doyle, nominated the Nore Dragon Paddlers  for the Environmental Award at the European Dragon Boat Federation Forum (30th of November – 2nd of December )  in Seville, Spain. We are delighted to announce that not only did the Nore Dragon Paddlers make the final, but they  actually won the award!

The award ceremony was held on Saturday 1st November in Seville and was attended by representatives of the dragon boat community from 16 Nations including Ireland.

Paddlers launch on to the river Nore

Congratulations to the Paddlers for their international success and working with our community to  improve the environment in a sustainable way.

On the water!