Summer bounty in Kilkenny

With  delicious wild cherries,  blackcurrents and strawberries,  and many wild flowers the summer can be enjoyed in Kilkenny

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Zoe Devlin presents “Wildflowers of Ireland- a personal Record”

A large crowd attended a very interesting presentation by Zoe Devlin titled ” Wildflowers of Ireland  – a personal record”  which recently took place in Kilkenny. The event was coordinated by Bird watch Ireland Kilkenny branch. Zoe reviewed Ireland’s rare flowers and also some of  the not so rare flowers including flowers growing in  Kilkenny. Invasive species were also reviewed.

The importance of pollinator species was discussed. The event ties in to the theme of improving habitat for our bees in Kilkenny. The importance of many plants to specific insects and  having adequate food for birds  was noted.

Kilkenny Co Co adopts the black and amber bumble bee


A fitting  county emblem which will also raise the  importance of bees as pollinators. KKB works each year to improve the range of honey and bumble  bee friendly planting throughout our city.

Crab apple blossom attracts!

Summer wild flowers

Sunflower attraction!

Bumble bees enjoy the summer lavender


River Nore rises to new levels

Over the last number of weeks we have seen the river Nore rise and rise. The Nore  still quite a wild river with many tree-lined natural banks. When the river rises the floodplains turn into lakes. Trees along the riverbank  where undermined and weakened are washed down the river. The City boardwalk was just above the flood level.

Not a time for swimming as the wild river Nore washes whole trees and their roots  down the river

With the water at such a high level the newly completed mural at Ossory bridge looks like it is swimming in the river.

The river boardwalk  between Ossory bridge and the City centre is just above the flood level

Dukesmeadows wild flower meadow blooms

Dukesmeadows forms an extensive urban wild flower meadow close to the River Nore and within walking distance of  Kilkenny City Centre. It is a haven for wildlife, insects and plants. it forms an attractive amenity for the residents of the area.

Dukesmeadows 7 Copyright: Keep Kilkenny Beautiful

Fishing on the river Nore

The river Nore flows through the centre of Kilkenny forming an attractive river wildlife and green area. There are a number of weirs and rock water falls which provides an attractive fishing area for our birds! There are a number of grey herons living and feeding along  the river Nore in the area of the City.

Fishing on the river Nore. Copyright: Keep Kilkenny Beautiful

Lakeside springs to life!

Kilkenny is fortunate to have a number of very attractive lake and marsh habitats within the City. Lakeside is currently springing to life. to assist the wild fowl a floating nesting area has been put in place and also a small  island had been planted.  Currently there are a pair of swans nesting, they and the other wild foul are working hard  to prepare their nests.